When converting the topic hierarchy to a string, use the special forward slash (/) character to delimit the topic hierarchy with each section of the topic adding an extra logical layer of precision. 要将主题层次转变成字符串,可以使用前斜线(/)字符分隔主题层次中的每个部分,这又增加了额外的逻辑层精度。
Currently, MANET is based on TCP/ IP hierarchy. The researches of routing protocol in the network layer are one hotspot. 当前,移动自组织无线网络是基于TCP/IP层次结构的,网络层的路由协议是研究的热点之一。
Based on the hierarchy theory and the structure entropy theory, considering the state of organization structure and information flow within the structure, the paper puts forth the concepts of layer entropy vector and entropy space. 基于系统等级结构理论和结构熵理论,从企业组织内部活动方式和信息流动的状态出发,提出反映管理结构复杂程度的层熵向量和熵空间概念;
Using three levels hierarchy of flow unit and properties of single sand layer, we have studied the vertical and planar distribution of flow unit and forecasted the distribution of residual oil. 运用三层次的流动单元划分方案,利用单砂层物性参数,研究安棚深层系垂向上和平面上流动单元分布特征,实现对剩余油分布的预测。通过研究,主要取得以下认识和成果。
Then based on the research on the challenges caused by the complexity, hierarchy strategies and granularity of EAI systems, the thesis researches on the distributed 3-layer logical structure and 4-tier application hierarchy. 接着本文研究了企业应用集成所面,临的复杂性、架构策略、粒度所带来的挑战,在此基础上研究了分布式系统的三layer逻辑结构和四tier应用结构。
On the circular economy development index, the first using the analytic hierarchy process weight assignment, then the entropy method to determine the weights of the various indicators of the index layer, and finally with a linear weighted sum method to calculate the circular economy development index. 关于循环经济发展指数计算,先用层次分析法对准则层权重进行赋值,然后用熵值法确定指标层各个指标的权重,最后用线性加权和法计算出循环经济发展指数。
It used Analytic Hierarchy Process to establish three levels of indicators to assess the system and determine the corresponding weight of each layer to quantify the impact of factors on the indicators. 应用层次分析法建立三层次的指标评价体系并确定了相应权重,量化了每一层因素对指标的影响。
The algorithm adopts the idea of hierarchy and describes the connection between switches as a tree form. Then the connection of each switch is established for every layer according to a top-down manner. 该算法采用树的分层思想,将交换机之间的连接表示为树形结构,自顶向下逐层确定每个交换机的连接关系。
Finally, based on the system hierarchy of Things, the intelligent home is divided into the perception layer, the network communication layer, the integration of several levels of the business layer, and describes the features and functions of each level. 最后根据物联网的系统层次结构特点,将基于物联网的智能家居划分为感知层、网络通信层、融合业务层的分层体系结构,并介绍了每一层次的特点与功能。
Tectonic judgment matrix uses the method of analytic hierarchy process and expert advices in the process of determines the index weight. Determine the criterion strata and index layer various indexes weights on that basis, and normalize the indexes. 在确定指标权重的过程中,采用了层次分析法和专家意见法较为合理的构造判断矩阵,在此基础上确定了准则层和指标层各类指标的权重,并对各类指标要进行标准化处理。
In the designing of business logic layer, this thesis uses the hierarchy relationship of the classes and the implement method while completing the data operating via technology of database connection pool and factory class in the data access layer. 在业务逻辑层设计中利用了类继承关系和实现方法,并在数据访问层利用连接池技术实现工厂类完成数据操作。
The species richness of community in different hierarchy was in the order of the herb layer shrub layer tree layer. ( 3) The diameter class structure of distribution of community was uneven, and because there were obvious defects in diameter class, the community was unstable. 群落不同层次结构的物种丰富度大小顺序为草本层灌木层乔木层。(3)群落径级结构分布不均,存在明显的径阶缺陷,属于不稳定型。
The application software in the upper layer of the software hierarchy realized the basic structure and operation of the menu, and displays the state information of the welding source. The communication software in the middle layer realized application layer protocol. 第三,本文在系统软件的设计中采用了分层的思想,上层的应用软件实现了基本的菜单结构和操作,中层的通信软件实现了应用层通信协议。